The NAWEA 2017 Symposium, which will be held 26-29 Sep 2017 at Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, includes technical sessions, panel discussions, graduate student symposium, poster session, engineering software workshops, business meeting, social events, and a tour of the state-of-the-art facilities at Iowa State University. The Symposium, the third in a series of technical meetings, will examine a broad range of topics required to achieve high wind penetration in the North American power-generation sector. In addition to wind energy system science and technology technical tracks, the symposium will feature sessions that provide holistic perspectives, overviews, and approaches necessary to maximize future deployment including:
- Research and Development, and Technology, including presentations on Aerodynamics, Aeroacoustics, Controls, Innovative Systems and Concepts, Reliability, Offshore, etc.
- Forecasting and Siting
- Atmospheric Wind Characterization and Meso-Micro Interactions
- Atmosphere/Turbine/Wake Interactions, including farm/plant interactions and array effects
- Electrical Integration, including presentations on issues of achieving high penetration of variable renewables and on energy storage issues
- Environmental and Public Policy Issues, including presentations, and a panel discussion of issues/problems and how technology can provide solutions, economics of wind
- Workforce Development and Education, including presentations, and a panel discussion from the Education Committee
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