Some Videos related to our research Laboratory
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08/01/2024: Our research paper, entitled "
Hui Hu is induced
to be the
Distinguished Professor of
Iowa State University,
the highest academic honor of Iowa State University.
Thanks for the
hardworking of
the current and previous postdocs and graduate students over the past 20 years!
08/11/2023: Chukwudum Eluchie defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Eluchie!
04/15/2023: Dr. Haiyang Hu accepted a tenure-track assistant professor offer from Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Alabama in Huntsville. Congratulations, Haiyang!
11/12/2022: Linchuan, Linkai and Haiyang's technical paper, entitled “An Experimental Study on the Dynamic Ice Accretion Process over the Surfaces of the Rotating Fan Blades of an Aero-Engine Model " (AIAA-2022-2435), has been selected to receive 2022 AIAA Gas Turbine Engine Best Paper Award! Congratulations, Linchuan, Linkai and Haiyang!
10/01/2022: A postdoctoral research associate position is available immediately in our laboratory!
07/18/2022: Nianhong and Anvesh were selected to be the winners (i.e., the 2nd and 3rd place) in the ASE Student Paper Competition at 2022 AIAA Aviation Conference. Congratulations, Nianhong and Anvesh!
07/06/2022: Nianhong Han defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Han!
04/06/2022: Our group is a part of the team to win a $2.5M DoE research grant to develop a novel plasma-assisted thermal conversion technology for upcycling plastic films into biodegradables.
Dr. Hu is
Interviewed by "Uptime Wind Energy Podcast" on our
research on wind turbine icing and anti-/de-icing:
11/16/2021: Linchuan defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Linchuan Tian!
07/14/2021: Zichen defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Zichen Zhang!
04/13/2021: Haiyang defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Haiyang Hu!
04/09/2021: Ram defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Ramsankar Veerakumar!
03/04/2021: One of our recent research papers, entitled "A field study of ice accretion and its effects on the power production of utility-scale wind turbines", is highlighted by the headline news of Iowa State University.
03/04/2021: Our research efforts on wind turbine icing and anti-/de-icing is featured by the scientific magazine, "The Conversation", with the article entitled: "The science behind frozen wind turbines – and how to keep them spinning through the winter".
Our research on
wind turbine icing and anti-/de-icing
has been featured by several news agencies on "Should the frozen wind turbines be blamed for the
over week-long blackout in Texas with millions of Texans being
02/012/2021: A Postdoctoral Researcher position opening in our laboratory!
11/06/2020: Faisal Al-Masri defended his MS thesis successfully. Congratulations, Faisal!
09/01/2020: Chukwudum Eluchie joined our research group as a PhD student. Welcome Chuk!
911/22/2019: Cem Kolbakir defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Kolbakir!
11/15/2019: 2020 NSF-IRES Summer Intern Program for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to conduct international collaborative researches on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) in Shanghai or North China Electric Power University (NCEPU) in Beijing, China. [download the application form here].
10/30/2019: Our research on wind turbine icing and anti-/de-icing is on the news headline of US energy news network: "Iowa State researchers seek solution for icy wind turbine blades".
09/23/2019: Our research on wind turbine icing and anti-/de-icing is on the news headline of Iowa State University: "Engineers study icing/de-icing of wind turbine blades to improve winter power production".
04/15/2019: Dr. Yang Liu accepted a tenure-track assistant professor offer from College of Engineering and Technology, East Carolina University, in Greenville, North Carolina. Congratulations, Yang!
04/11/2019: Linyue Gao defended her PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Gao!
03/01/2019: Liqun Ma defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Ma!
01/01/2019: Website of 2019 NSF-IRES Summer Internship on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability is online.
11/14/2018: Linkai Li defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Li!
08/10/2018: Announcement of NSF-IRES program for International Research Experience for Graduate and Undergraduate Students on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability.
05/20/2018: Dr. Pavithra Premaratne accepted a tenure-track assistant professor offer from Mechanical Engineering Department of Central College in Pella, Iowa. Congratulations, Dr. Premaratne!
04/10/2018: Zhe Ning defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Ning!
02/01/2018: Pavithra defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Premaratne!
01/01/2018: Haiyang Hu joins in our research group as a PhD student from Northwest Polytechnic University. Welcome, Haiyang!
01/01/2018: Avinash Saikia joins in our research group as a PhD student from SRM University. Welcome, Avinash!
01/01/2018: Dr. Hu has joined Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Elsevier, as an Editor.
09/01/2017: Zichen Zhang joins in the group as a PhD student from Northwestern Polytechnic University. Welcome, Zichen!
09/01/2017: Ramsanka Veerakumar joins in the group as a PhD student from BITS-Pilani. Welcome, Ram!
07/13/2017: Haixing Li defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. LI!
06/10/2017: Wenwu Zhou accepted a tenure-track assistant professor offer from Mechanical Engineering Department of Shanghai JiaoTong University (SJTU) in Shanghai, China. Congratulations, Dr. Zhou!
09/14/2016: Dr. Hui Hu received the Martic C. Jischke Professorship in Aerospace Engineering.
05/23/2016: Morteza Khosravi defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Khosrav!
05/18/2016: Yang Liu defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Liu!
04/12/2016: Linkai Li received the Best Poster Presentation Award of the 3rd Graduate and Professional Students' Research Conference (GPSRC) held on April 12, 2016 at Iowa State University. Congratulations, Linkai!
02/25/2016: Wenwu Zhou defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Zhou!
01/31/2016: Pavithra Premaratne is selected to receive Alexander Lippisch Memorial Scholarship! Congratulations, Pavithra!
01/10/2016: Liqun Ma joins in the group as a PhD student. Welcome Liqun!
08/10/2015: Linkai Li joins in the group as a PhD student. Welcome Linkai!
06/05/2015: Zhenyu Wang defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Wang!
06/02/2015: Dr. Yan Zhang, a former PhD student of our laboratory, got a tenure-track assistant professor offer from Mechanical Engineering Department of North Dakota State University. Dr. Zhang!
04/16/2015: Morteza Khosravi defended his MS thesis successfully. Congratulations, Morteza !
04/15/2015: Kai Zhang defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Zhang!
03/10/2015: Aerospace engineering professor selected as ASME Fellow
03/09/2015: Iowa State engineers study the benefits of adding a second, smaller rotor to wind turbines
01/31/2015: Yang Liu is selected to receive prestigious Alexander Lippisch Memorial Scholarship! Congratulations, Yang!
03/22/2014: Our recent research work on wind turbine aeromechanics received the Best Poster Award of 2014 Iowa Wind Energy Association (IWEA) Conference held in Des Moines on March 10~12, 2014.
03/12/2014: Dr. Hu is invited to give an invited seminar at Illinois Institute of technology.
01/20/2014: Our research on aircraft icing and wind turbine anti-de-icing is highlighted at the headline news of Iowa State University!
01/20/2014: Dr. Hu is
01/17/2014: Mr. Andrew Bodling (BS, UTSA) joined our group as a PhD student. Welcome Andrew!
01/16/2014: Dr. Rye Waldman (PhD, Brown) joined our group as a postdoctoral reserach associate. Welcome Rye!
01/14/2014: Wenwu is selected to receive prestigious Alexander Lippisch Memorial Scholarship! Congratulations, Wenwu!
12/23/2013: Season's greeting card for 2014 New Year!
08/01/2013: Our research on film cooling of gas turbine blades is highlighted on the
04/18/2013: Dr. Yan Zhang was recommended to receive 2013 Research Excellence Award, Congratulations!
04/16/2013: Yan Zhang defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Zhang
03/27/2013: The poster of our research paper, entitled "An Experimental Investigation on the Wake Interferences Among Multiple Wind Turbines over Complex Terrains” , has been selected to receive the Best Poster Award of 2013 Iowa Wind Energy Association (IWEA) Conference held in Des Moines, March 25~27, 2013.
03/22/2013: Our research paper, entitled "Development of Digital Image Projection Techniques to Quantify Surface Film/Rivulet Flows” (AIAA Paper 2012-3014)” , has been selected to receive 2013 AIAA Best Paper in
01/15/2013: Call for Paper of "2nd International Retreat on Vortex Dynamics and Vorticity Aerodynamics" to be held on 15-17 August, 2013, at Shanghai, China.
01/10/2013: An interview to Dr. Zifeng Yang, a former PhD student and post-doc of our laboratory and now Assistant Professor at Wright State University, about his study experience at Iowa State University
12/22/2012: Season's greeting card for 2013 New Year!
12/12/2012: Our research on bio-inspired aerodynamic designs for Micro-Air-Vehicle (MAV) applications is on the
08/09/2012: Daniel Dvorak defended his MS thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dan!
07/19/2012: our research work related to wind turbine interferences over hilly terrain is featured in an article of
07/17/2012: Meilin Yu defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations, Dr. Yu!
04/25/2012: Dr. Hui Hu received the prestigious
04/11/2012: Ahmet Ozbay defended his MS thesis successfully. Congratulations, Ahmet!
01/04/2012: our recent research work related to wind turbine aerodynamics is highlighted in an article of Scientific American.
12/16/2011: Season's greeting card for 2012 New Year!
12/14/2011: Our research work to investigate the effects of complex terrains on wind energy production is featured on Science Daily!
12/12/2011: Our research on wind turbine aeromechanics is highlighted on the headline news of Iowa State University!
08/12/2011: Our research on "Molecular Tagging Techniques for Stratified Flow: Application to Boundary Mixing" is supported by National Science Foundation.
08/10/2011: National Science Foundation funds us to conduct researches on "Characterization of Surface Wind Energy Resources and Wake Interferences among Wind Turbines over Complex Terrains for Optimal Site Design and Turbine Durability" for three years.
07/14/2011: Hirofumi Igarashi receives an offer to be a quality engineer of ARK Technologies, Inc. in Chicago. Congratulations, Hiro!
07/11/2011: Travis Grager defended his MS thesis successfully. Travis has also received an offer to be a research engineer of PHYSICAL SCIENCES, INC. in Boston. Congratulations, Travis!
06/23/2011: Zifeng receives an offer to be an Assistant Professor at Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering of Wright State University. Congratulations, Prof. Yang!
06/20/2011: Our research on wind turbine aeromechanics is supported by the Iowa Alliance for Wind Innovation and Novel Development (IAWIND).
04/04/2011: National Science Foundation funds us to establish "US-China Collaboration on Bio-Inspired Aerodynamic Designs for the Development of Next Generation Micro-Air-Vehicles".
12/14/2010: Hirofumi Igarashi defended his MS thesis successfully! Congratulations, Hiro!
12/01/2010: Prof. Xueying Deng, Dr. Baofeng Ma and Dr. Wei Tian of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA) visit our laboratory and gave an invited seminar on "The Wing Rock Motion Induced by Forebody Asymmetric Vortices and its Active Control".
08/21/2010: Daniel Dvorak joins our research group. Welcome, Dan!
08/19/2010: Meilin and Bin are selected to receive the Alexander Lippisch Memorial Scholarship Awards! Congratulations, Bin and Meilin!
06/27/2010: Zifeng and Anand attend 28th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference at Chicago to give presentations about their research projects.
01/04/2010: Meilin and Hiro give presentations about their research projects on 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including The New Horizons forum and Aerospace Exposition at Orlando, Florida.
11/11/2009: Anand Gopa Kumar defended his MS thesis successfully! Congratulations, Anand!
11/10/2009: Zifeng Yang defended his Ph.D. thesis successfully! Congratulations, Dr. Yang!
10/02/2009: Our recent research paper, “
08/28/2009: Our research on wind turbine icing is also highlighted by on Wind Power at
04/29/2009: Our paper, "An Experimental Investigation on a Bio-Inspired Corrugated Airfoil” (AIAA Paper 2009-1087), has been selected to receive 2009 AIAA Best Paper in Applied Aerodynamics Award.
03/25/2009: Dr. Hui Hu is invited to give a talk at Mechanical Engineering Dept. of Old Dominion University.
02/26/2009: Prof. Koji Okamoto of the University of Tokyo visited our laboratory.
02/15/2009: Welcome Mr. Meilin Yu to join our research group as a Ph.D. student!
01/21/2009: Welcome Ms. Bin Wang to join our research group as a Ph.D. student!
01/10/2009: Dr. Hu, Zifeng and Zheyan attended 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit at Orlando, Florida.
11/17/2008: Our research, development of a lifetime-based molecular tagging thermometry technique for aircraft icing studies, was highlighted in 2008 Annual Review of Aerospace Sciences in the field of Aerodynamic Measurement Technology published in December 2008 issue of Aerospace America.
10/28/2008: Zheyan Jin defended his Ph.D. thesis successfully! Congratulations, Zheyan!
06/12/2008: J. T. Murphy defended his M.S. thesis successfully. Congratulations! J. T. will be working as an aerospace engineer at Boeing after his graduation.
12/15/2007: Lucas Clemons receives Teaching Excellence Award. Lucas, Congratulations!
12/01/2007: Our research work about "Thermal-Fluid Diagnostics Using Quantum Dots (QDs)" was highlighted in 2007 Annual Review of Aerospace Sciences in the field of Aerodynamic Measurement Technology published in December 2007 issue of Aerospace America.
03/07/2007: Hui Hu, AER E and Chris Rehmann, CCEE receive 2007 Spring Research Grant Development Award
03/04/2007: Hu paper earns prestigious award . Our paper "Molecular tagging velocimetry and thermometry and its application to the wake of a heated circular cylinder" has won 2006 Outstanding Paper Award of "Measurement Science and Technology".
02/22/2006: Hui Hu awarded Career Award from NSF.
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Iowa State
University, 2271 Howe Hall, Room 1200, Ames, Iowa 50011
Copyright © Iowa State University. All rights reserved.