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Invited Talks:
S-156. Hu, H.,
S-155. Hu, H., “Aircraft Anti-/De-Icing”. Invited Departmental Seminar, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Fukui University, December 23, 2024 (Prof. Chaobin Dang as the host).
S-154. Hu, H., “Recent Progress on Aircraft/Aero-engine Icing Physics & Anti-/De-Icing Studies”. Invited Seminar, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Meiji University, December 20, 2024 (Prof. Jun Sakakibara as the host).
S-153. Hu, H., “Research Overview on Unsteady Aerodynamics of Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicles (UAVs)”. Invited Seminar, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, the University of Tokyo, December 19, 2024 (Prof. Taro Imamura as the host).
S-152. Hu, H., “Recent Research on Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle (UAV) Icing Physics & Anti-/De-icing at Iowa State University”. Invited Seminar, School of Aerospace Engineering; Gyeongsang National University (GNU); November 28, 2024 (Prof. Rho Shin Myong as the host).
S-151. Hu, H., “Development of Advanced Diagnostic Techniques for Complex Thermal Flow Studies”, Invited Departmental Seminar, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, New Mexico State University, November 15, 2024 (Prof. Fangjun Shu as the host).
S-150. Hu, H., “Recent Progress on Aircraft/Aero-engine Icing Physics & Anti-/De-Icing Studies”. Invited Seminar, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Texas A&M University, November 13, 2024 (Prof. Dick Miles as the host).
S-149. Hu, H., " On The Detrimental Effects of Snow and Icing Weather on Wind Turbines", Plenary Seminar, the 9th International Conference on Snow Engineering (ICSE 2024) , Shanghai, China, June 3-5, 2024. (Prof. Xuanyi Zhou as the host).
S-148. Hu, H., "Overview of Aircraft/Aero-Engine Icing and anti-/De-icing Research at Iowa State University ", Invited Lecture, 2024 SAE AC-9C Technical Committee Meeting, May 07, 2024 (Dr. David Orchard the host).
S-147. Hu, H., "Mitigating Adverse Weather Effects for Assured Flight Safety of Advanced Air Vehicles", Invited Departmental Seminar, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, the University of California, Irvine, April 6, 2024 (Dr. Dimitri Papamoschou as the host).
S-146. Hu, H., "Summary of Our Recent Research Activities on Aircraft Anti-/De-Icing ", Invited Seminar, Icing Branch - NASA Glenn Research Center, February 21, 2024 (Dr. Peter Struk as the host).
S-145. Hu, H., "Recent Progress on Aircraft/Aero-Engine Icing Physics & Anti-/De-Icing Studies", Invited Seminar, the Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University, February 09, 2024 (Prof. Beverley J. McKeon as the host).
S-144. Hu, H., "Wind Turbine Icing and Anti-/De-icing", Invited Online Seminar, Xcel Energy, January 16, 2024 (Dr. Teja Dasari as the host).
S-143. Hu, H., "
S-142. Hu, H., "
S-141. Hu, H., "An Experimental Study of Dynamic Ice Accretion Process on Rotating Aero-engine Fan Blades and Icing-Induced Performance Degradation", Invited Keynote Presentation, 2nd International Symposium on Advances in Aerodynamics (SAIA 2023) December 08, 2023 (Prof. Dongsheng Wen as the host).
S-140. Hu, H., "Wind Turbine Aeromechanics and Wake Interferences in Wind Farms", Invited Seminar, Sustainable Energy and Environment Thrust at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), December 08, 2023 (Prof. Huihe Qiu as the host.
S-139. Hu, H., "Recent Progress on Aircraft/Aero-engine Icing Physics and IAnti-/De-icing Studies”, Invited Speaker of the 15th Tsien Hsue-Shen Memorial Lectures, School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University, December, 02, 2023 (Prof. Yuxin Ren as the host).
S-138. Hu, H., "Aircraft/Aero-engine Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Inflight Icing Protection”, Invited Departmental Seminar, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, , October 19, 2023 (Prof. Noel Clemens as the host).
S-137. Hu, H., "Aircraft/Aero-engine Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Inflight Icing Mitigation”, Invited Keynote Speaker, the 6th International Conference on Aircraft Core Technology (2023 ICACT), Jinju, Gyeongnam, South Korea, August 31, Sept. 01, 2023 (Prof. Rho Shin Myong as the host).
S-136. Hu, H., "Wind Turbines Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Wind Turbine Icing Mitigation”, invited plenary speaker, 4th International Symposium on Thermal-Fluid Dynamics (ISTFD 2023), Nanjing, China, 27-29, July, 2023 (Dr. Jianglei Xu as the host).
S-135. Hu, H., "Aircraft/Aero-engine Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Inflight Icing Mitigation”, invited Departmental Seminar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University, 06/15/2023 (Dr. WT Hwang as the host).
S-134. Hu, H., "Aircraft/Aero-engine Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Inflight Icing Mitigation”, invited Departmental Seminar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University, 06/13/2023 (Dr. KC Kim as the host).
S-133. Hu, H., "Visualization of Wind Turbine Icing Phenomena with Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques"”, invited plenary speaker, the 17th Asian Symposium on Visualization, Tokyo, Japan 05-10, June, 2023 (Dr. Satoshi Someya as the host).
S-132. Hu, H., " Experimental Studies on Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Aircraft Icing Mitigation", invited keynote speaker, the 10th International Conference of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (FFHMT’23), Ottawa, Canada, June 07 to June 09, 2023 (Dr. Boguslaw Kruczek as the host).
S-131. Hu, H., "Aircraft/Aero-engine Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Inflight Icing Mitigation”, invited Departmental Seminar, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, the University of Alabama in Huntsville, 04/28/2023 (Dr. Phillip M. Ligrani as the host).
S-130. Hu, H., "A Machine Learning Study of the Wind-Driven Water Runback Characteristics Pertinent to Aircraft Icing Phenomena”, invited speaker for Computational and Applied Math (CAM) seminar, Dept. of Mathematics, Iowa State University, 02/20/2023 (Dr. Jue Yan as the host).
S-129. Hu, H., "Experimental Challenges and Progress in Characterizing Multiphase Flows", invited Keynote Lecture, 2022 Annual Meeting of Center for Multiphase Flow Research and Education, Iowa State University, 10/25/2022 (Dr. Ted Heindel as the host).
S-128. Hu, H., "Atmospheric Icing Physics and Mitigations", invited Keynote Lecture, 2022 Cold Climate Technology & Icing Research Seminar, UiT- The Arctic University of Norway, 10/18/2022 (Dr. Muhammad Virk as the host).
S-127. Hu, H., "Aircraft/aero-engine Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Aircraft Icing Mitigation", invited lecture, 2022
S-126. Hu, H., "Aircraft/aero-engine Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Aircraft Icing Mitigation", invited lecture, International Symposium on Turbulence (IST2022) in Memory of Chou Pei-Yuan’s 120th anniversary of Birth, 08/16/2022 (Dr. CB Lee as the host).
S-125. Hu, H., "Aircraft/aero-engine Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Aircraft Icing Mitigation", Aeronautical Enterprise Deicing Working Group workshop, invited speaker, CREEL, NH, 07/12/2022 ~ 07/13/2022 (Dr. Emily Asenath-Smith as the host).
S-124. Hu, H., "Aircraft/aero-engine Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Aircraft Icing Mitigation", Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Ohio State University, 03/23/2022 (Dr. Datta Gotanda as the host).
S-123. Hu, H., "Aircraft/Aero-engine Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Aircraft Icing Mitigation", invited departmental seminar, Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanical, the University of Cincinnati , 11/04/2021 (Dr. PK Imbrie as the host).
S-122. Hu, H., "Wind Turbine Icing Physics and Novel Anti-/De-icing Technologies for Wind Turbine Icing Mitigation". Plenary Lecture, International Symposium on Flow Visualization, Sept. 14 – 16, Virtue meeting, 2021 (Dr. YZ Liu as the symposium chair).
S-121. Hu, H., "Aircraft Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Aircraft Icing Mitigation", invited departmental seminar, Mechanical Engineering and Energy Engineering, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), 10/29/2020 (Dr. XL Wei as the host).
S-120. Hu, H., "UAS Icing Physics & Innovative Anti-/De-icing Strategies for UAS Icing Mitigation", invited plenary speaker, 7th International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow (HTFF’20), 08/18/2020 (Dr. HH Qiu as the Conference Chair).
S-119. Hu, H., "Aircraft Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Aircraft Icing Mitigation", invited departmental seminar, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, 04/11/2020 (Dr. P. Voulgaris as the host).
S-118. Hu, H., "Aircraft Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Aircraft Icing Mitigation", invited departmental seminar, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology, 03/11/2020 (Dr. David Riggins as the host).
S-117. Hu, H., "Wind Turbines Icing Physics and Anti-/De-Icing", invited departmental seminar, Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 02/14/2020 (Dr. R. Ni as the host).
S-116. Hu, H., “Wind Turbines in Cold Climates: Icing Physics and Novel Strategies for Wind Turbine Icing Mitigation", invited departmental seminar, Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas at Dallas, 10/24/2020 (Dr. Simon Dai as the host).
S-115. Hu, H., “Development of Advanced Experimental Techniques for Thermal-Fluid Dynamics Studies”, Invited Plenary Speaker, 2019 International Symposium on Thermal-Fluid Dynamics (ISTFD2019), Xi'an, China, July 26-29, 2019 (Prof. Bofeng Bai as the symposium chair).
S-114. Hu, H., “Aircraft Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Aircraft Icing Mitigation”, Invited Plenary Speaker, 8th International Workshop on Turbulence", July 20 - 21, 2019, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (Prof. S. Fu as the workshop Chair).
S-113. Hu, H., “Development of Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques to Study Complex Thermal/Fluid Phenomena”, Invited Plenary Speaker, the 11th National Congress on Experimental Fluid Dynamics, Tianjin, China, July 11-14, 2019 (Prof. Nan Jiang as the symposium chair).
S-112. Hu, H., “Bio-inspired Icephobic Coatings for Aircraft Icing Mitigation". Invited Speaker, the 1st International Conference on Nature Inspired Surface Engineering (NISE). Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey, USA, June 12-14, 2019 ( Prof. Chang-Hwan Choi as the symposium chair).
S-111. Hu, H., “Wind Turbines in Cold Climates: Icing Physics and Novel Strategies for Wind Turbine Icing Mitigation”, Invited Plenary Speaker. The 8th International Symposium on Physics of Fluids (ISPF8), Xi'an, China, June 10-13, 2019 ( Prof. Jinsheng Cai as the symposium chair).
S-110. Hu, H., “Aircraft Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Aircraft Icing Mitigation”, Invited Seminar, Department of Chemical Engineering, the University of Michigan, 04/25/2019 (Prof. Anish Tuteja as the host).
S-109. Hu, H., “Aero-engine Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Icing Mitigation.” NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, 04/25/2019 (Dr. Ashlie Flegel as the host).
S-108. Hu, H., “UAS Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for UAS Icing Mitigation.” NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, Canifornia, 04/04/2019 (Dr. Bob Dahlgren as the host).
S-107. Hu, H., “Development of Novel Plasma-Based Anti-/De-icing Strategies for Aircraft Icing Mitigation”, Invited Speaker, 1st International Symposium on Advances in Aerodynamics, Chengdu , China, December 14-15, 2018 (Prof. DS Wen as the Conference chair).
S-106. Hu, H., “Development of Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques to Study Complex Thermal/Fluids Phenomena”, Invited Plenary Speaker, 2018 Asian Conferences on Experimental Mechanics (2018ACEM), Xi'an, China, October 11-15, 2018 (Prof. YL Li as the Conference chair).
S-105. Hu, H., “Aircraft Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Inflight Icing Mitigation”, Invited Seminar Speaker, Department of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Iowa, 09/27/2018 (Prof. HT Ding as the host).
S-104. Hu, H., “Development of Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques to Characterize Complex Multiphase Flows”, Invited Plenary Speaker, 7th Symposium on Hybrid RANS-LES Methods, Berlin, German, September 17-19, 2018 ( Prof. Yannick Hoarau as the symposium chair).
S-103. Hu, H., “Aircraft/Aero-Engine Icing Physics & Innovative Strategies for Inflight Icing Mitigation”, Invited Speaker, 2018 UTRC Icing Workshop, Hartford, CT, August 29-30 2018 (Dr. Miad Yazdani as the host).
S-102. Hu, H., “Aircraft Icing Physics and Innovative Strategies for Aircraft Icing Mitigation”, Invited Plenary Speaker, 7th International Workshop on Turbulence", July 27, 2018, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (Prof. S. Fu as the workshop Chair).
S-101. Hu, H., “Bio-inspired Icephobic Coatings for Aircraft Anti-/De-Icing Applications.” Department of Aerospace Engineering, Peking University, 06/01/2018 (Prof. CB Lee as the host).
S-100. Hu, H., “Development of Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques to Study Complex Thermal/Fluid Phenomena.” Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 12/07/2017 (Prof. Hui Tang as the host).
S-99. Hu, H., “Development of Advanced Measurement Techniques to Characterize Multiphase Flows Pertinent to Aircraft Icing Phenomena”, Plenary Speaker, 10th International Symposium on Measurement techniques for Multiphase Flows, December 4~ 7, 2017, Hong Kong (Prof. HH Qiu as the symposium Chair).
S-98. “Aircraft Icing Physics and Bio-inspired Icephobic Coatings for Aircraft Icing Mitigation”, Graduate Aerospace Laboratories, California Institute of Technology, 10/27/2017 (Prof. Beverley McKeon as the host).
S-97. “Development of Advance Flow Diagnostic Techniques to Study Complex Thermal Fluids Phenomena”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, the University of Arizona, 10/17/2017 (Prof. Cho Lik Chan as the host).
S-96. Hu, H., “Aircraft Icing Physics and Anti-/De-icing Technologies”, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, 09/2/2017 (Prof. Meng Wang as the host).
S-95. Hu, H., “An Experimental Study to Evaluate the Effects of Bio-inspired Icephobic Coatings on Impact Ice Accretion Process for Aircraft Icing Mitigation”, Plenary Speaker, the 2nd International Conference of Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer, July 7 ~12, 2017, Xi'an, China (Prof. Bofeng Bai as th conference chair).
S-94. Experimental Investigations of Wind Turbine Aeromechanics and Wake Interferences in Onshore and Offshore Wind Farms”, Invited Keynote Speaker, The 12th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, June 19-21, 2017, Haeundae Grand Hotel, Busan, Korea (Prof. KC Kim as the symposium Chair).
S-93. “Development of Advance Flow Diagnostic Techniques to Study Complex Thermal Fluids Phenomena”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Florida State University, 02/07/2017 (Prof. Louis Cattafesta as the host).
S-92. “Aircraft Icing Physics and Bio-inspired Icephobic Coatings for Aircraft Icing Mitigation”, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Ohio State University, 01/24/2017 (Prof. Jeffery Bons as the host).
S-91. “Fluid-Structure Interactions (FSI) of Built Structures in Violent Wind Storms”, Invited Seminar, Department of Civil Engineering, Southwestern Jiao Tong University, 12/16/2016 (Prof. Kai Wei as the host).
S-90. “An Experimental Study on Transient Ice Accretion Process over Airfoil Surfaces Pertinent to Wind Turbine Icing Phenomena”, invited keynote speaker, The International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion (ISMF), Dec. 16~19, 2016. (Prof. B.F. Bai as the conference chairman)
S-89. “Wind Turbine Icing Physics and Bio-inspired Icephobic Coatings for Wind Turbine Icing Mitigation”, Invited Seminar, School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, 12/13/2016 (Prof. WL Chen as the host).
S-88. “Experimental Investigations on Challenging Thermal-Fluids Problems Pertinent to Aero-Engines”, Invited Seminar, School of Power Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 12/07/2016 (Prof. Hong Wu as the host).
S-87. “Development of Advance Flow Diagnostic Techniques to Study Complex Thermal Fluids Phenomena”, Invited Seminar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Vanderbilt, 10/14/2016 (Prof. Haoxiang Luo as the host).
S-86. “Development of Advance Flow Diagnostic Techniques to Study Complex Thermal Fluids Phenomena”, Invited Seminar, Institut für Strömungsmechanik und Aerodynamik” Universität der Bundeswehr München, 10/06/2016 (Dr. Christian Kahler as the host).
S-85. “A Study on the Effects of Bio-inspired Superhydrophobic Coatings on Ice Accretion Process over Airfoil Surface for Aircraft Icing Mitigation”, Invited lecture, 5th International Conference of Bionic Engineering, Ningbo, China, 06/22/2016 (Dr. Yuying Yan as the conference chair).
S-84. “Fluid-Structure Interactions (FSI) of Wind Turbines in Violent Wind Storms”, Invited lecture, International Workshop Wind Engineering: Windstorm Hazard Reduction of Critical Infrastructure, Tokyo, Japan, 05/12/2016 (Dr. Partha Sarkar as the workshop chair).
S-83. “Development of Advance Flow Diagnostic Techniques to Study Complex Thermal Fluids Phenomena”, Invited Seminar, Sandia National Laboratory, 12/01/2015 (Dr. Daniel R. Guildenbecher as the host).
S-82. “Wind Turbine Aeromechanics and Wind Turbine Anti-/De-icing Technologies”. Invited Seminar, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, New Mexico State University, 11/30/2015 (Prof. Mingjun Wei as the host).
S-81. “Wind Turbine Aeromechanics and Wake Interferences in Onshore and Offshore Wind Farms”. Invited Seminar, School of Earth, Ocean & Environment, University of Delaware, 10/13/2015 (Prof. CRISTINA ARCHER as the host).
S-80. “Innovative Dual-Rotor Wind Turbine Design for Improved Wind Farm Performance and Wind Turbine Anti-/De-icing Technologies”. Invited lecturer, Iowa Wind Power Conference. 08/31/2015 (Mr. Mike Prior as the host).
S-79. “Wind Turbine Aeromechanics and Wake Interference over Onshore and Offshore Wind Farms”. Invited Seminar, School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University. 08/01/2015 (Prof. Song Fu as the host).
S-78. “Advance Flow Diagnostic Techniques and Applications to Study Complex Thermofluid Phenomena”, Invited Seminar, Department of Aerospace Engineering, the University of Washington, 04/20/2015 (Prof. Dana Dabiri as the host).
S-77. “Advance Flow Diagnostic Techniques and Applications to Study Complex Thermofluid Phenomena”, Invited Seminar, Department of Aerospace Engineering, the University of Virgina, 04/01/2015 (Prof. Haibo Dong as the host).
S-76. “Aircraft Icing Physics and Anti-/De-Icing Technology”. Invited Seminar, United Technology Aerospace System, Minneapolis, MN. 03/25/2015 (Prof. Brain Matheis as the host).
S-75. Hu, H., “Development of Advanced Flow Diagnostic techniques for Complex Thermal/Fluids Studies”. Invited Seminar, School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. 02/05/2015 (Prof. Brain German as the host).
S-74: "Quantitative Visualization of Complex Thermal-Fluid Phenomena by Using Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques", Invited Plenary Lecture, International Symposium on Flow Visualization, in Okinawa, Japan on June 24-28, 2014 (Prof. Koji Okamoto as the Chair of the Symposium).
S-73: “Investigations on Complex Thermal Fluids Phenomena by using Advance Flow Diagnostic Techniques”. Invited Seminar, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University Miami, Miami, Florida. 05/01/2014 (Prof. Gecheng Zha as the host).
S-72: “Wind Turbine Aeromechanics and Interferences among Multiple Turbines Sited in Onshore and Offshore Wind Farms”. Invited Seminar, School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. 04/04/2014 (Prof. Song Fu as the host).
S-71: “Experimental Investigations on Wind Turbine Aeromechanics and Wind Farm Aerodynamics”. Invited Seminar, School of Mechanical Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China. 04/01/2014 (Prof. Zhigang Yang as the host).
S-70: “Investigations on Complex Thermal Fluids Phenomena by using Advance Flow Diagnostic Techniques”. Invited Seminar, Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research (WISER), Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, USA. 03/12/2014 (Prof. Hamid Arastoopour as the host).
S-69: “Wind Turbine Aeromechanics and Wake Interferences among Multiple Turbines in Onshore and Offshore Wind Farms”. Invited Lecture, 2013 Annual Meeting of State Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China 12/21/2013 ~ 12/22/2013, (Prof. Guowei He as the host)
S-68: “Experimental Investigations on Wake Interference among Multiple Turbines in Onshore and Offshore Wind Farms”. Invited Lecture, 2013 International Conference in Future Technologies for Wind Energy, Laramie, Wyoming, USA. 10/07/2013~10/09/ 2013 (Prof. Jonathan Naughton as the host).
S-67: “Experimental Studies of Fluid-Structure Interactions (FSI) of Building Models in Violent Tornadoic and Microburst Winds”, Invited Lecture, 2nd National Conference on Natural Disaster Mitigation, Harbin, China, 08/18/2013~08/21/2013 (Prof. Hui Li as the host).
S-66: “An Experimental Study on the Evolutions and Interactions of the Unsteady Vortices in the Wakes of Tandem Flapping Wings”, Invited Lecture, 2013 International Retreat on Vortex Dynamics and Vorticity Aerodynamics (2013-IRVDVA), Shanghai, China, 08/15/2013~08/17/2013 (Prof. JC Wu as the host).
S-65: “Short Course: Advanced Experimental Aerodynamics”, Invited Short Course, School of Aeronautics Science, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China, 05/26/2013~05/31/2013 (Prof. Yunsong Gu as the host).
S-64: “Development of Advance Flow Diagnostic Techniques to Study Complex Thermofluid Phenomena”, Invited Seminar, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 05/24/2013 (Prof. Huihe Qiu as the host).
S-63: “Wind Turbine Aeromechanics and Interferences among Multiple Turbines in Onshore and Offshore Wind Farms”, Invited Seminar, GE Global Research Center – Wind Energy Group, Niskayuna, NY, USA. 05/08/2013 (Dr. Seongkyu Lee as the host).
S-62: “Development of Advance Flow Diagnostic Techniques to Study Complex Thermofluid Phenomena”, Invited Seminar, GE Global Research Center - Heat Transfer Group, Niskayuna, NY, USA. 05/07/2013 (Dr. Jonathan Slepski as the host).
S-61: “Development of Advanced Laser-based Diagnostic Techniques for the Fundamental Studies Pertinent to Combustion Phenomena in Gas Turbine Engines”, Invited Seminar, Workshop on Combustion Science, National Science Foundation of China, Chengdu, China, 04/11/2013 (Prof. Jialing Le as the host).
S-60: “Aircraft Icing Physics and Anti-/De-icing Technology”, Invited Seminar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA, 04/05/2013 (Prof. Yongsheng Lian as the host).
S-59: “Development of Advance Flow Diagnostic Techniques to Study Complex Thermofluid Phenomena”, Invited Seminar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA. 03/29/2013 (Prof. Luciano Castillo as the host).
S-58: “Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques and Applications”, Invited Seminar, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Central South University, Changsha, China, 02/03/2013 (Prof. Binyan Jiang as the host).
S-57: “Development of Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques to Study Complex Thermofluid Phenomena”, Invited Seminar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 11/05/2012 (Prof. K. Christensen as the host).
S-56: “Wind Turbine Aeromechanics and Wake Interferences of Multiple Wind Turbines”, Invited Seminar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wyoming, 10/11/2012 (Prof. Jonathan Naughton as the host).
S-55: “Wind Turbine Aeromechanics and Wind Turbine Icing Physics”, Invited Seminar, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, 06/07/2012 (Prof. Guowei He as the host).
S-54: “Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques for Complex Thermo fluid Phenomena Studies”, Invited Seminar, Shanghai Institute Applied Mechanics, China 06/06/2012 (Prof. Guohui Hu as the host).
S-53: “Advanced Experimental Aerodynamics”, Invited Short Course, School of Aerospace Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 05/30/2012~ 06/07/2012 (Prof. Hong Liu as the host)
S-52: “Development of Advanced Fluid Diagnostics for Wind Engineering Studies”, Invited Seminar, School of Civil Engineering, Hunan University, China, 05/29/2012 (Prof. ZhengQing Chen as the host).
S-51: “Advanced Experimental techniques for Aerodynamics Studies”, Invited Short Course, School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, 05/20/2012~05/27/2012 (Prof. Hui Li as the host).
S-50: “On the Wind Turbine Icing Physics and Interferences of Multiple Wind Turbines over Complex Terrains”, Invited Speaker, the 1st Symposium “On Wind Farms Underperformance & Partnerships: An Industrial Perspective”. National Wind Resource Center (NWRC), Texas Tech University, 03/28/2012 (Prof. Luciano Castillo as the host).
S-49: “Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques for Complex Thermofluid Phenomena Studies”, Invited Seminar, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Iowa, 03/08/2012 (Prof. Ching-Long Lin as the host).
S-48: “Development of Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques to Study Complex Thermofluid Phenomena”, Invited Seminar, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, 02/02/2012 (Prof. Francis Kulacki as the host).
S-47: “An Experimental Study on the Wake Flow Characteristics of Tandem Flapping Wings”, Invited Speaker, “Fluid Mechanics of Micro Air Vehicles - Invited Session”, 6th Theoretic Fluid Mechanics Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, June 27~30, 2011 (Drs. W Huebsch and A. Rothmayer as the organizer of the invited session)
S-46: “Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques for Aerodynamics Studies”, Invited 3-day Short Course, School of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China, 06/01/2011 ~ 06/03/2011 (Prof. Xueying Deng as the host).
S-45: “Development of Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques to Study Complex Thermofluid Phenomena”, Invited Speaker, School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 06/08/2011 (Prof. Song Fu as the host).
S-44: “Advanced Measurement Techniques for Thermal Fluid Studies”, Invited Seminar, Department of Physics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 05/22/2011 ~ 05/25/2011 (Prof. Keqing Xia as the host).
S-43: “Development of Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques to Study Complex Thermofluid Phenomena”, Invited Speaker, Center for Environmental and Applied Fluid Mechanics (CEAFM), Johns Hopkins University, 01/21/2011 (Prof. Charles Meneveau as the host).
S-42: “Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques and Applications for Aerodynamics Studies”, Invited Speaker, School of Aerospace Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Beijing, China, 09/22/2010 (Prof. Xueying Deng as the host)
S-41: “An experimental study of a gable-roofed building model in tornado-like winds”, Invited Speaker, The 5th US-Japan (UJNR) Workshop on Wind Engineering, July 26-28, 2010, Chicago, USA. (Prof. P. Sarkar as the Chair of the Workshop).
S-40: “Applications of Advanced Flow Diagnostic Technique to Wind Engineering Problems”, Invited Speaker, International Workshop on Wind Engineering Research and Practice Current State-of-the-Art and Future Needs/Plans/Policies. 05/28/2010~05/29/2010, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. (Prof. P. Sarkar as the Chair of the Workshop).
S-39: “Molecular-based Flow Diagnostics and Applications”, Invited Speaker, Annual Meeting of National Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics, China Academy of Science, China, 12/22/2009 (Prof. Guowei He as the host).
S-38: “A Short Course on Advanced Experimental Aerodynamics”, Invited 4-day Short Course, Department of Power Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China, 12/13/2009~12/17/2009. (Prof. Fengchen Li as the host).
S-37: “Bio-inspired Aerodynamic Designs for Micro-Air-Vehicle Applications”, Dept. of Mech. & Material Engr., Wright State University 09/22/2009. (Prof. H. Dong as the host).
S-36: “Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques and Applications to Study Complex Thermo Fluid Phenomena”, Goodrich Engine Components Division, 08/21/2009. ( B. Williams as the host)
S-35: “Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques and Applications”, 3-day Short Course, School of Jet Propulsion, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China, 06/20/2009 to 06/26/2009. (Prof. Hongwei Ma as the host)
S-34: “Molecular Tagging Techniques and Applications”, Dept. of Power Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China, 06/20/2009 to 06/09/2009 (Prof. Junkui Mao as the host)
S-33: “Advanced Fluid Diagnostic Techniques for Aerodynamic Studies”, School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Zhejiang University, China, 06/05/2009. (Prof. Yao Zheng as the host)
S-32: “Advanced Fluid Diagnostic Techniques for Aerodynamic Studies”, Shanghai Wind Tunnel Center, Shanghai, China, 06/01/2009. (Prof. Zhigang Yang as the host)
S-31: “Molecular Tagging Velocimetry and Thermometry”, Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai, China, 06/01/2009. (Prof. Zheng Zhong as the host)
S-30: “Bio-Inspired Aerodynamic Design for Micro-Air-Vehicle Applications”, School of Aerospace Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 05/28/2009. (Prof. Hong Liu and Prof. J. C. Wu as the host)
S-29: “Molecular Tagging Techniques and Applications to Study Micro-scale Flow and Heat Transfer Phenomena”, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, 03/26/2009. ( Ayodeji Demuren as the host)
S-28: “Bio-inspired Aerodynamic Designs for Micro-Air-Vehicle Applications”, Air Force Research Laboratory, Eglin Air Force Base, FL, 07/02/2008. ( G. Abate as the host)
S-27: “Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques”, School of Jet Propulsion, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China, 03/25/2008. (Prof. H. Ma as the host)
S-26: “Advanced Fluid Diagnostic Techniques for Aerodynamic Studies”, 4-day Short Course, Northwest Polytechnic University, Xi’an, China, 03/18/2008. (Prof. C. Gao as the host)
S-25: “Molecular Tagging Techniques and Applications”, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, the University of California, Irvine, 07/27/2007. (Prof. F. Liu as the host).
S-24: “Advanced Fluid Visualization Techniques”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Niigata University, Japan, 07/09/2007. (Prof. N. Fijisawa as the host).
S-23: “Molecular Tagging and Quantum Dot Imaging for Thermofluid Diagnostics”, Dept. of Mech. Engr., Yamagata University, Japan, 07/02/2007. (Prof. A. Rinosika as the host).
S-22: “Advanced Fluid Diagnostics for Thermal Flow Studies”, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japan, 06/26/2007. (Prof. N. Oshima as the host).
S-21: “Molecular Tagging Velocimetry and Thermometry (MTV&T) and Quantum Dot Thermometry”, Invited Seminar sponsored jointly by Visualization Society of Japan (VSJ) and the University of Tokyo, Japan, 06/22/2007. (Prof. K. Okamoto as the host)
S-20: Invited attendee, NSF Workshop for Frontiers in Transport Phenomena Research and Education, the University of Connecticut, May 16, 2007 ~ May 18, 2007 (Prof. Amir Faghri as the organizer of the workshop).
S-19: “Molecular Tagging Velocimetry and Thermometry Techniques”, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan, 06/20/2006. (Prof. K. Asai as the host).
S-18: “Molecular Tagging Techniques and Applications”, Department of Mechanical, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 06/15/2006. (Prof. N. Kasagi as the host).
S-17: “Development of Advanced Flow Diagnostic techniques”, School of Jet Propulsion, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China, 05/17/2006. (Prof. HW Ma as the host)
S-16:. “Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques and Their Applications”, School of Aerospace Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 05/18/2006. (Prof. Y. Song as the host).
S-15: “Novel Molecule Based Flow Diagnostic Techniques for Micro Flow and Micro-scale Heat Transfer Study”, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China, 06/04/2006. (Prof. GW. He as the host).
S-14: “Molecular Tagging and Quantum Dots Imaging for Thermal Flow Diagnostics”, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, John Hopkins University, 03/03/2006.(Prof. J. Katz as the host)
2005 and before
S-13: “Advanced Flow Diagnostic techniques and their Applications”,Research and Engineering Education Facility, University of Florid, 09/ 31/2005. (Prof. J. Rogacki as the host )
S-12: “Development of Advanced Optical Diagnostic techniques and their Applications”, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Iowa State University, 10/12/2004. (Prof. J. Hill as the host)
S-11: “Dual-Plane Stereoscopic PIV technique and its Applications”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, 04/12/ 2004. (Prof. S. Waverley as the host).
S-10: “Development of Advanced Optical Diagnostic Techniques and Their Applications to Study Complex Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer phenomena.” Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering, Oakland University. 03/18/2004.
S-09: “Simultaneous Measurements of Multiple Variables in Fluid Flows” Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Western Michigan University, 03/09/2004.
S-08: “Development of Molecule-based Diagnostic Techniques and Their Applications to Study Complex Flow and Heat Transfer Phenomena”, Industrial and Engineering Technology, Central Michigan University, 02/18/2004.
S-07: “Development of Advanced Optical Diagnostic Techniques and Their Applications to Study Complex Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer phenomena” Department of Aerospace Engineering, Iowa State University,01/27/2004.
S-06: “Development of Advanced Optical Diagnostic Techniques and Their Applications to Study Complex Flow and Heat Transfer Phenomena”, Biomedical Engineering & Bone Tissue Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, 01/12/2004.
S-05: “Development of Advanced Optical Diagnostic techniques and their Applications to Study Complex Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer phenomena”, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, The State University of New York at Buffalo, 04/23/2003.
S-04: “Development of Advanced Optical Diagnostic techniques and their Applications to Study Complex Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer phenomena”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Victoria, 03/07 2003.
S-03: “Development of Advanced Optical Diagnostic techniques and their Applications to Study Complex Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer phenomena”, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Rutgers, 02/18/2003.
S-02: “Development of Advanced Optical Diagnostic techniques and their Applications to Study Complex Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer phenomena”, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Riverside, 02/05/ 2003.
S-01: “Dual-plane Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry & Molecular Tagging Velocimetry/Thermometry Techniques and Their Applications to Complex Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Studies”, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Akron University, 12/05/2002.
Department of Aerospace Engineering, Iowa State
University, 2271 Howe Hall, Room 1200, Ames, Iowa 50011
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