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Published Book:


Book#01. Hui Hu, Linyue Gao, Yang Liu, Wind Turbine Icing Physics and Anti-/De-Icing Technology”,  Elsevier,  ISBN: 9780128245323, 1st Edition - June 1, 2022.



Book Chapters:

B11.  JC Wang, C. Laurent, S. S. Jain and H. Hu,  (2024) "A machine learning model for prediction of water film runback flows for aircraft icing applications", include in Book Series, Proceedings of the 2024 Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, Parviz Moin & Beverley McKeon  (eds.),  Stanford University.

B10.  HY Hu, LC Tian, C Eluchie, H Sista, and H. Hu,  (2023) "On the Usage of Hydrophobic and Icephobic Coatings for Aircraft Icing Mitigation", include in Book Series, Progress in Adhesion and Adhesives, Volume 8, ISBN 978-1-83969-624-4,  Kash Mital  (eds.),  Scrivener Publishing LLC.

B9.  C. Kolbakir, HY Hu, Y Liu and H. Hu,  (2022) "An Experimental Investigation on the Thermodynamic Characteristics of DBD Plasma Actuations for Aircraft Icing Mitigation", include in Book "Plasma Science and Technology", ISBN 978-1-83969-624-4",  Amir Shahzad (eds.), IntechOpen.

B8.  Y. Liu and H. Hu,  (2020) "Experimental Investigations on Bio-Inspired Icephobic Coatings for Aircraft In flight Icing Mitigation", include in Book "Ice Adhesion: Mechanism, Measurement and Mitigation",  K.L. Mittal and C.-H. Choi (eds.), 547 - 576, 2020 Scrivener Publishing LLC.

B7.  H. Hu,  (2019), "Development of Advanced Flow Diagnostic Techniques to Characterize Aircraft Icing Phenomena", include in Book "Progress in Hybrid RANS-LES Modeling 2018", as a Part of the Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design book series (NNFM, volume 143,) Editors: Yannick Hoarau, Shia-Hui Peng, Dieter Schwamborn, Alistair Revell, Charles Mockett.

B6. W. Chen, X. Wang, F. Xu, H. Li, H. Hu,  (2016), "Numerical Simulation Study on a Passive Jet Flow Control Method to Suppress Unsteady Vortex Shedding from a Circular Cylinder", include in Book "Fluid-Structure-Sound Interactions and Control", Editors: Yu Zhou, A.D. Lucey, Yang Liu, Lixi Huang. ISBN: 978-3-662-48866-9 (Print) 978-3-662-48868-3 (Online).

B5. H. Hu,  (2012), "Stereo Particle Imaging Velocimetry Techniques: Technical Basis, System Setup and Application", include in Book "Handbook of 3D Machine Vision: Optical Metrology and Imaging", S. Zhang (eds), Taylor & Francis/CRC Press, 2012.

B4. H. Hu, W. Shyy, and T. Shih, (2010), "Lift, Thrust and Flight",  included in Book "Encyclopedia on Aerospace Engineering", R. Blockey and W. Shhy (eds). John Wiley & Son Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp837-844, 2010.

B3. H. Hu, T. Saga, T. Kobayashi and N. Taniguchi (2002), "Stereoscopic PIV Measurement of a Lobed Jet Mixing Flow", included in Book "Developments in Laser Techniques and Applications to Fluid Mechanics", R. J. Adrian et al. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag, 2002.

B2. H. Hu, T. Saga, T. Kobayashi and N. Taniguchi (2002), "Simultaneous Velocity and Concentration Measurements of Turbulent Jet Mixing Flows" included in Book "Visualization and Image in Transport Phenomena", S. Sidman and A. Landesberg. (Eds.) ISBN 1-57331-371-8, also, Annuals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 972, Sept. 2002.

B1. H. Hu, T. Saga, T. Kobayashi and N. Taniguchi (2000), "Measurement on a Lobed Jet Mixing Flow by Using Stereoscopic PIV Technique", Album of Visualization. Vol.17, 2000, ISSN 0919-4630.


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Department of Aerospace Engineering, Iowa State University, 2271 Howe Hall, Room 1200, Ames, Iowa 50011
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