I am an assistant professor in Iowa State University Aerospace Engineering Department, with courtesy appointments in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and Computer Science Department. With methods from control, optimization, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, I develop autonomy and human-in-the-loop decision making systems for aeronautics, aviation and aerial robotics. My recent focus is on safety, efficiency and scalability of the decision making algorithms for systems in uncertain, dynamic environments, such as air traffic control/management, airline operations, UAS traffic management (UTM), eVTOL urban air mobility, and autonomous drone racing. I am leading the Intelligent Aerospace Systems Lab (IASL). I received my Ph.D. degree in Aerospace Engineering from Purdue University in 2013. Here is my latest CV.
After spending 5 wonderful years in Iowa State, I will join the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at George Washington University in January 2020.
Aug. 2019, I gave a talk on ‘‘Unlock the Personal Sky - Safe and Assured Autonomy for On-Demand Urban Air Mobility" in NASA Ames Research Center.
July 2019, Guodong defended his PhD dissertation. He will join American Airlines to build optimization models and decision making tools for airline operations.
June 2019, we traveled to Long Beach, CA for our very first ICML. Marc and Syed's posters were accepted in the ‘‘Reinforcement Learning for Real Life" workshop.
June 2019, Syed traveled to Panama City and presented at AGIFORS Revenue Management conference on ‘‘Airline Revenue Management with Deep Reinforcement Learning".
June 2019, Priyank became the first PhD who graduated from our group. He joined USRA to work at NASA Ames Research Center on Urban Air Mobility.
May 2019, I gave a talk on ‘‘Unlock the Personal Sky - Safe and Assured Autonomy for On-Demand Urban Air Mobility" in the Department of Automation at Tsinghua University.
May 2019, our graduate students received internship opportunities from Airbus, MIT Lincoln Lab, Airmap and American Airlines.
Apr. 2019, I gave a talk on ‘‘Unlock the Personal Sky - Safe and Assured Autonomy for On-Demand Urban Air Mobility" in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at the University of Texas at Austin.
Feb. 2019, I gave a talk on ‘‘Unlock the Personal Sky - Safe and Assured Autonomy for On-Demand Urban Air Mobility" in the Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering at Georgia Tech.
Feb. 2019, I gave a talk on ‘‘Unlock the Personal Sky - Safe and Assured Autonomy for On-Demand Urban Air Mobility" at New York University C2SMART.
Open Positions
Two Ph.D. positions are available in Fall 2020 at George Washington University, which will be supported as graduate research assistants. Motivated students with excellent mathematical background and strong programming skills are encouraged to apply.
2333 Howe Hall, Ames, IA 50011
Tel: (515)294-8215