
13 Jun, 2024: PhD studentship available!

See the job posting.

4 Dec, 2024: Abhishek receives department TEX award

Abhishek is recognized by the department for teaching excellence.

24 Nov, 2024: Abhishek and Sudeep present at APS

Abhishek and Sudeep presented their work at the 2024 APS DFD meeting in Salt Lake City.

6 Nov, 2024: Zhangming publishes in Applied Acoustics

Zhangming’s work on developing and analyzing passive ultrasonic bat deterrents is published in Applied Acoustics. See the publication online

24 Oct, 2024: Hannah publishes in AIAA

Hannah’s work on accelerating shock detecting is published in AIAA Journal. See the publication online.

26 Sep, 2024: Sarasija publishes in JFM

Sarasija’s work on characterization dynamic stall onset in low-Reynolds-number flows is published in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics. See the publication online.

25 Sep, 2024: Zhangming publishes in Applied Acoustics

Zhangming’s work on frequency modulation of ultrasonic bat deterrents is published in Applied Acoustics. See the publication online. Access the preprint here

27 Jun, 2024: Karim presents his work on FIML at the 13th TSFP meeting

Karim presented our work on FIML for improving RANS modeling at the 13th TSFP meeting in Montreal, CA. See the agenda here

10 May, 2024: DoE funding

We receive funding from the DoE to advance our ultrasonic bat deterrent technology.

2 May, 2024: A news article on our anechoic chamber

The ISU anechoic chamber and the experimental work by our group is featured in an ISU COE news article

25 Apr, 2024: Anupam promoted to Full Professor

Anupam is promoted to the full professor rank in Aerospace Engineering.

9 Apr, 2024: PhD thesis defense: Zhangming

Zhangming successfully defends his PhD thesis. Congratulations!

5 Apr, 2024: PhD thesis defense: Sarasija

Sarasija successfully defends her PhD thesis. Congratulations!

15 Mar, 2024: Hannah receives NDSEG fellowship

Hannah is awarded a DoD NDSEG fellowship. Congratulations!

1 Oct, 2023: NSF support for NEWRITE

In September 2023, we are thrilled to announce that our team has received NSF (National Science Foundation) support for the “Mid-scale RI-1 (M1-DP) - National Testing Facility for Enhancing Wind Resiliency of Infrastructure in Tornado-Downburst-Gust Front Events (NEWRITE)” project. This exciting project involves the collaborative efforts of several distinguished researchers, including Drs. Partha Sarkar, Alice Alipour, D. Zhou, and G. Yan.

15 Nov, 2023: Dylan and Hannah are ISGC fellows

Dylan and Hannah are awarded Iowa Space Grants Consortium graduate fellowships. Congratulations!

25 Sep, 2023: Zhangming publishes his work in Physics of Fluids

Zhangming’s work on aerodynamic whistles-based ultrasonic tone generators for bat deterrence is published in Physics of Fluids. See the publication online.