

* For information on how to use and training contact Prof. Bastawros.

Hysitron Nano Indenter

     The Hysitron Nanoindenter is a low load nano-mechanical test system.  It is ideal for measuring the hardness and elastic modules of thin films and coatings.  This system provides quantitative nano-mechanical testing capabilities with the convenience of modern automation at the micro and nano size scales.  With both normal and lateral force loading configurations, the Nanoindenter (also referred to as Tribo-indenter) has revolutionalized the field of sub-micron scale experimental mechanics and real-time data collection and nanometer resolution using the optical viewer.  Tribo-Indenter provides testing based on quantitative, controlled nanoindentation surfaces.  Automated precision testing, staging and sample positioning allows maximum throughput of samples.













It measures some stuff. No touching required. 









     With a wide assortment of attachments and plattens, load cells and displacement transducers available, the Instron machine makes for a very versatile, and advanced material testing system. We have different sized attachments for 3 point bending, 4 point bending, compression plattens as well as tensile specimen mounts for bulk as well as thin foil specimen. We currently employ non-contact capactive displacement transducers as well as LVDTs to measure displacement with sub-micron resolution. 300 N, 10 KN or 100 KN load cells can be used for force measurement depending on the material and other test parameters. The use of a long stand-off distance microscope, from Questar Corporation, along with a high speed SPOT camera allows for synchronized imaging during testing.