March 11, 2025

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The ISU chapter of Sigma Gamma Tau keeps an updated list of all members who have gone through the organization, even if they did not receive a key at graduation. The alumni are ranked by graduation year (this is the undergrad year, so if they went to grad school, this is not included). A benefit for being a member of SGT is access to the alumni Rolodex, a complete list of contact information to allow SGT members to talk with SGT alumni who want to help students along and answer any questions they might have (i.e. being an industry mentor). If you are an ISU SGT alum and would like to have you contact information added to the Rolodex, please contact the president, Michelle Camp, at for more information on how to become a mentor for current SGT members.


Alumni List

For a list of alumni of the Iowa State University chapter of Sigma Gamma Tau click here.


Alumni Rolodex

For current members of SGT, login here to access the alumni Rolodex for contact information.