Conference Publications

This is a list of refereed conference publications from the SPACE Lab members and the Principal Investigator, Dr. Servadio.

  • C25 – C. Hofmann, G. Lavezzi, D. Wu, S. Servadio, and R. Linares, “Comparative Analysis of Analytical and Data-Driven Koopman Operators for the J2 Problem With Atmospheric Drag,” Proceedings of the 2024 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Broomfield, CO, 11-15 August 2024, no. AAS 24-318.
  • C24 – R. M. Tian, K. Xi, G. Lavezzi, M. Lifton, S. Servadio, and R. Linares “Optimizing Active Debris Removal Strategies with Feedback Control for a Sustainable Space Environment,” Proceedings of the 2024 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Broomfield, CO, 11-15 August 2024, no. AAS 24-354.
  • C23 – B. Candan, and S. Servadio, “Markers Identification for Relative Pose Estimation of an Uncooperative Target,” Proceedings of the 2024 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Broomfield, CO, 11-15 August 2024, no. AAS 24-378.
  • C22 – E. Ashley, C. S. Sanz, and S. Servadio, “Parameters Estimation in Source-Sink Space Population Evolutionary Models,” Proceedings of the 2024 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Broomfield, CP, 11-15 August 2024, no. AAS 24-315.C22 –
  • C21 – S. Servadio, G. Lavezzi, C. Hofmann, D. Wu, R. Linares, “Propagation of Uncertainty with the Koopman Operator,” Proceedings of the 27th Conference of Information Fusion, Venice, ITA, 7-11 July 2024.
  • C20 – S. Servadio, D. Jang, and R. Linares, “Threat Level Estimation From Possible Break-Up Events In LEO,” Proceedings of the 2024 AIAA SciTech Forum, Orlando, FL, 8-12 January 2024.
  • C19 – N. Simha, S. Servadio, M. Lifson, G. Lavezzi, and R. Linares, “Optimal active debris removal mission planning to inform policy decisions,” Proceedings of the 2024 10th Annual Space Traffic Management Conference, Austin, TX, 27-28 February 2024.
  • C18 – G. Lavezzi, M. Lifson, S. Servadio, and R. Linares, “An Analysis of Orbital Separation Distances to Support Space Traffic Management,” Proceedings of the 2023 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Big Sky, MT, 13-17 August 2023, no. AAS 23-228.
  • C17 – S. Servadio, R. Armellin, and R. Linares, “A Koopman-Operator Control Optimization for Relative Motion in Space,” Proceedings of the 2023 AIAA SciTech Forum, National Harbor, MD, 23-27 January 2023.
  • C16 – S. Servadio, T. St. Francis, N. Simha, D. Gusmini, D. Jang, A. D’Ambrosio, and R. Linares, “Optimal Target Selection for an Active Debris Removal Mission,” Proceedings of the 2023 AAS/AIAA 33rd Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Austin, TX, 15-19 January 2023, no. AAS 23-164.
  • C15 – D. Gusmini, A. D’ambrosio, S. Servadio, P. Siew, P. Di Lizia, and R. Linares, “The Effects Of Raising And Decay In Orbital Capacity Models,” Proceedings of the 2023 AAS/AIAA 33rd Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Austin, TX, 15-19 January 2023, no. AAS 23-156.
  • C14 – D. Jang, D. Gusmini, P. Siew, A. D’ambrosio, S. Servadio, and R. Linares, “Monte Carlo methods to model the evolution of the LEO population,” Proceedings of the 2023 AAS/AIAA 33rd Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Austin, TX, 15-19 January 2023, no. AAS 23-240.
  • C13 – Q. Al Shidi, A. Ridley, S. Peng, E. Sutton, S. Servadio, C. Wu, J. Vila-Perez and F. Holtorf, “Space Weather Simulations Summer School,” Proceedings of the AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Chicago, IL, 12-16 December 2022, id. SA22E-1916.
  • C12 – J. Pasiecznik, S. Servadio, and R. Linares, “A Lambert’s Problem Solution via the Koopman Operator with Orthogonal Polynomials,” Proceedings of the 73rd International Astronautical Congress, Paris, FRA, 18-22 September 2022.
  • C11 – C. Hofmann, S. Servadio, R. Linares, and F. Topputo, “Advances in Koopman Operator Theory for Optimal Control Problems in Space Flight,” Proceedings of the 2022 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Charlotte, NC, 7-11 August 2022, AAS 22-259.
  • C10 – A. D’Ambrosio, S. Servadio, P. Siew, D. Jang, M. Lifson, and R. Linares, “Analysis of the LEO orbital capacity via probabilistic evolutionary model,” Proceedings of the 2022 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Charlotte, NC, 7-11 August 2022, AAS 22-158.
  • C9 – S. Servadio, W. Parker, and R. Linares, “Uncertainty Propagation and Filtering via the Koopman Operator in Astrodynamics,” Proceedings of the 2022 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Charlotte, NC, 7-11 August 2022, no. AAS 22-019.
  • C8 – S. Servadio, D. Arnas, and R. Linares, “Dynamics Near the Three-Body Libration Points via the Koopman Operator Theory,” Proceedings of the 2021 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Big Sky, Virtual, 9-11 August 2021, no. AAS 21-688.
  • C7 – S. Servadio, and R. Zanetti, “Uncertainty Estimation Through Polynomial Map Inversion,” Proceedings of the 2021 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Big Sky, Virtual, 9-11 August 2021, no. AAS 21-659.
  • C6 – S. Servadio, and R. Zanetti, “Estimation Of The Conditional State And Covariance With Taylor Polynomials,” Proceedings of the 2021 AAS/AIAA 31st Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Virtual, 1-3 February 2021, no. AAS 21-416.
  • C5 – S. Servadio, R. Zanetti, and B. A. Jones, “Nonlinear Filtering with a Polynomial Series of Gaussian Random Variables,” Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of Information Fusion, Virtual, 6-9 July 2020.
  • C4 – S. Servadio, and R. Zanetti, “DA-Based Multiple Gaussians Particle Filter For Orbit Determination,” Proceedings of the 2020 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, South Lake Tahoe, CA, (Virtual), 9-13 August 2020, no. AAS 20-417.
  • C3 – S. Servadio, R. Zanetti, and R. Armellin, “Maximum A Posteriori Estimation of Hamiltonian Systems with High Order Series Expansions,” Proceedings of the 2019 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Portland, ME, 11-15 August 2019, no. AAS 19-875.
  • C2 – S. Servadio, and R. Zanetti, “Recursive Polynomial Minimum Mean Square Error Estimation With Applications To Orbit Determination,” Proceedings of the 2019 AAS/AIAA 29th Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, Maui, HI, 13–17 January 2019, no. AAS 19-445
  • C1 – F. Cavenago, M. Massari, P. Di Lizia, S. Servadio, and A. Wittig, “DA-Based Nonlinear Filters for Spacecraft Relative Space Estimation,” Proceedings of the 2018 AIAA SciTech Forum. Kissimmee, FL, 8-12 January 2018.