Space Domain Awareness

Research in space domain awareness is crucial for monitoring and understanding the activities and objects in Earth’s orbit. It enhances the ability to track satellites, detect potential collisions, and identify space debris. This knowledge is vital for ensuring the safety of space missions, protecting assets, and maintaining the long-term sustainability of space operations.

Space Environment Modeling

The SPACE Lab works alongside its MIT partners to help develop the MIT Orbit Capacity Assessment Tool (MOCAT), a model for the forecasting of the LEO space population orbiting in LEO. The SPACE lab supports MIT’s development of MOCAT-SSEM, the Source-Sink Evolutionary Model of the tool.

MOCAT-SSEM investigates the evolution of the space objects population in LEO by exploiting a new probabilistic source-sink model, with the objective of estimating the LEO orbital capacity. This is carried out through the long-term propagation of the proposed source-sink model, which globally takes into account different object species, such as active satellites, derelict satellites, debris, and additional subgroups. Since the SOs are propagated as species, the information about single objects is missing, but it allows to be computationally fast and provide essential information about projected future distribution of SOs in the space environment for long prediction horizon. MOCAT-SSEM is developed in MATLAB and is available for download here.

During his time at MIT, Dr. Servadio helped develop the MOCAT-4N version, which globally considers different object species, such as active satellites (S), derelict satellites (D), and debris. In this model, the debris species are divided into the following two subgroups: trackable (N) and nontrackable debris (also referred to as untracked debris (U)), the last ones representing a significant threat to active satellites. Indeed, the inability to track some debris leads to more
unexpected catastrophic events (i.e., collisions) because active satellites cannot perform collision avoidance maneuvers in time. The following video shows a 200 years simulation of the LEO space environment following the MOCAT-4N model.

MOCAT-4U 200 Years Simulation: S active payload, D derelicts, N debris, U untracked debris.
Qualitative schematics of the MOCAT-4N model.

A schematic representing the qualitative interactions among the species is illustrated in the figure. As can be seen, the only source of the active satellite population is represented by the new launches. Therefore, the term that regulates the new launches is the annual launch rate. At the same time, following the PMD guidelines, active satellites are removed from the simulation after Δt years of operational life. However, it is also likely that not all the active satellites succeed in performing PMD, thus becoming derelicts. This transition is considered by modeling the probability of success PM of PMD. The other modeled phenomena are the collisions, the natural orbital decay caused by the atmospheric drag, and the interaction between tracked and untracked debris, which depend on the sensing capabilities.

Evolution of ASO under different atmospheric models.

This figure shows the evolution of the different ASO populations under the static exponential density model and the JB2008 density model. The evolution of the ASO populations follows a similar trend for both scenarios. However, the ASO populations under the JB2008 density model show an oscillatory behavior. In addition, it can be observed that the difference between the two models increases with propagation time.

In the following work, a new model, MOCAT-6RD, introduces the effects of orbit raising and decay from active satellites.

Active satellites, rocket bodies, and derelicts constitute intact objects. Collisions, represented by dashed black arrows, could involve objects from
the same or different species, giving rise to derelicts and debris or debris only. Moreover, derelicts might be created from each category
composing active satellites. These transitions are indicated with the dotted red arrows. For what concerns active satellites, both Sr and Sh are launched, represented by green arrows, while the category transitions among the S families and the flow between different shells are indicated with ϑ. Let the model
considering Sh, Sr, Sd, D, N, B be referred to as the MOCAT-6RD, where “6” represents the number of species involved, and “RD” indicates that orbit raising and deorbiting maneuvers are included. The model without decaying satellites Sd is named MOCAT-5R, with “5” as the species involved and “R” signifying that orbit raising is modeled (the “D” is omitted as deorbiting is not included). Lastly, the simplified model lacking orbit transfer flux is named MOCAT-4B, with four species included, denoted as S, D, N, and B. Here, “B” represents rocket bodies and serves to distinguish this model from other models that also have four species but exclude rocket bodies.

Debris Ranking

Similarly to MOCAT-SSEM, a Monte Carlo version of the software, MOCAT-MC, has been developed by the MIT team. Dr. Servadio used the model to rank the most dangerous debris orbiting in LEO.

Schematic of the Monte Carlo tool MOCAT-MC.

The flowchart schematic for the MOCAT-MC tool is shown in the figure. Consistent with any Monte Carlo tool, a single simulation of the MOCAT-MC tool consists of multiple runs of the model, where each time, a different outcome from the stochastic variables is realized, according to the associated probability density function (PDF). Indeed, a list of various PDFs is developed to model any stochastic element, such as the probability of collision between two close RSOs, or the probability of failure for end-of-life disposal of a satellite and so on, following the reference models.

The figure underlines the sources of RSO with +, where new payloads are added to the population according to the launches or debris generated due to collisions and explosions. At the same time, the space population gets reduced,⊖ a sign of the sink, by natural deorbit of debris thanks to atmospheric drag and by reentry of those payloads that succeed their PDM at their end of life.

Classifications of the MITRI top 50 ranked satellites by a) country of origin, b) object type, and c) launch date

Dr. Servadio developed the MITRI risk index to rank the most dangerous debris orbiting in LEO following the results and simulations from MOCAT-MC. Whenever analyzing the nature of these highly ranked RSOs, the below figure shows that they are human-made debris, with origin either Russian or
American (a). As expected, most of them are massive rocket bodies, while the remainder are derelict satellites that never had or failed their PDM (b). Indeed, these debris date back before to the year 2001, when mitigation guidelines were not yet mandatory, or they got abandoned before mitigation guidelines were established (c).

Threat Level Estimation


NCUR video award, SPACE lab members Jonak Bhagawati and Sushant Chiramana and coauthor of “Development of a Temporal Space Debris Population Calculator” awarded best research video in 2024 National Conference on Undergraduate Research, April 8-10, Long Beach, CA